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Graduate School of Science (Master Course) -The Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test

Published on Nov 07, 2018


International students who wish to apply for Master Course of Division of Molecular Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, will be evaluated their English ability with the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test.

The applicants must submit the Official Score Certificate (original) for the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test at the time of application. Therefore the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test must be taken in advance. The valid Official Score Certificate for application for international students means the Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test which took place between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2018. (Please see the Note below.)

- The Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC? Listening & Reading Test which was submitted at the time of application should not be replaced.
- Scores of the tests such as IP Tests which do not provide official score certificates are not valid.
- The applicant can submit the best score if he/she took the tests several times.
- Please see the official TOEIC? website to check the details (ex. exam type, schedule, etc.).
